Sunday, March 22, 2015

Preparation from on High

 Hello My dearest Loved ones!!!! Near and Far! How I love you all...
   It has been a good week! We started off with a District Leader exchange. I was with the District Leader! It was way fun. He is a great Elder, and funny! I tried to find a purple tree to take a picture by for a flash back! like last week, haha. anyway. Was great! Miracles just seem to abound on trade-offs! Found some sweet people, taught good lessons, had a mediocre missionary made lunch. ha, ALWAYS a good experience! Was great. I am excited for him in the future! Elder Lonitenisi! From Tonga,  learned heaps about Tonga that day, it was fun. We call him the "Siona Maka!" Tongan for "Man of stone" at least that's what they tell me. It's probably swearing.. haha no I am kidding! We had a zone service day up in the Blue Mountains! It was sweet! Always good to do some physical work and break up our day to day missionary stuff. The missionaries over time have made a huge impact on these people that work there. It is called Greystanes. It is a mental disability center. We just work out side on all the property and landscape but it is fun. The staff took us to see a big view point in Leura (Blue Mtns) called the 3 sisters a big rock formation and valley. Apparently it is older than the Grand Canyon, not as big though.. still cool to see! I am including a picture of the ZOne in front of it as well as a picture of ELder Moore and I in front of the 3 sisters! Heaps cool
     My core experience with God this week is how the Lord always warns and prepares us! For some reason this week I noticed how in each of my areas there was something pointing me to know where it was. Usually I couldn't figure it out until after! Then I'd get the thought "Oh! That's why I kept hearing about Penrith!" or "I heard so much about old Toukley ward now I am serving in it's sister ward, Tuggerah!" I think it is amazing how the Lord prepares us for things with out us even realizing it! These are small examples and menial really... but it illustrates a great point! By giving the Lord our all, in our calling, time, efforts, whatever it is for the individual, he shapes us to be what He wants us to be (and what we should want to be), and prepares us for what is to come. He expects us to (and our purpose is to) progress eternally! To get better, to do more, to be evermore effective in what we do. He does ask a lot of us, he does ask us to change dramatically, sin-celestial. But He ALWAYS aids us in every worthy cause! Like, Eternal Progression, thus he will prepare us for what we are to be, he will prime us and place us where we will flourish and succeed! That is why I don't get down, by loving what the Lord gives us, what ever comes our way, we will have no stoney griefs, just Bethel to raise always! He loves us, he does prepare us. It reminds me of the quote I heard many times int eh MTC..."Who He calls, He qualifies!"
   Teaching as Jesus taught! I am really trying to teach people not lessons right now to adjust our teaching to meet the needs of the person. We often run into language barriers and cultural gaps. Making teaching difficult. Constantly reevaluating and simplifying our teaching has helped, and I imagine will continue to help. The savior always did what he could to help the people understand his message. Indeed, you could say his bowels were filled with compassion towards them. He loved them and taught to them and to their needs! That is what we should do!
   If I could change 1 thing in the world... If everyone had more love, patience, and honesty it would help everything! Every situation would have a better result and outcome! Not that anyone is a liar but I feel sad when that question arises in me. It could very well be myself but it could also be a voice of warning from the spirit. Christ like attributes are... everything. I spoke of eternal progression a few moments ago... that is what we are trying to progress to, perfect Christ-like attributes! That is what I would change a focus to be more Christ-like and Christ -minded!
   I love you all! Thank you for the role you have played in my life... you don't even know how grateful I am!
         Elder Ford

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