Thanksgiving is over (we didn't celebrate it here.. was going to... but then forgot!) and the CHRISTmas season is upon us! It is exciting! I don't know if you saw but the church apparently bought out the home screen of YouTube for the day to advertise their new video: "He is the Gift!" It is good. A lot like the #Because of Him Video. I think you would all benefit from it! I think everyone would.. ha. Well Elder Nathan has been in the mission 1 whole transfer! A new transfer starts today and we are staying together as one would anticipate! We are happy about it. Elder Lonitenisi is leaving though! Sad.. we will miss him in our district! One of my favorite missionaries, so fun to be with. ha. There is other good news though, The other Elders in Dural are staying! SO that will be good. I feel like we have a good sense of unity and want to keep the love here. It makes the work so much easier! So since CHRISTmas is coming up I decided to spend a bit of money and get some souvenirs! Ha All kinds of stuff... Mostly decorative. and a little noisy too.. ha I think Andy will be excited. ha. That is about all the "fun" or worldly news...
My core experience with God this week came from Sacrament
meeting. Invitation Sunday was great the chapel tour went alright, the
members were happy, non-members came, but the biggest impact for me was
receiving personal revelation in sacrament meeting. I was sitting,
listening to great and very well constructed talks by ward members all
focused on the Savior and his great power and Atonement. As we know, it
usually is not what the speakers actually say but the spirit that they
bring that inspires us. Brought back into my memory was something I had
TOTALLY forgotten about. I remembered WAY back to my 9th grade gym
class. I do not remember what caused this but I remembered the
experience briefly. As a struggling youth learning my way through life
often feeling lost and confused, I remember breaking down and sitting on
the gymnasium floor crying. I remember pulling shirt over my face
embarrassed. But that was about all I remembered. I did not remember the
cause or what happened a moment after. I saw all the youth standing on
the stage singing with smiles. I, for a moment, remembered what it was
like to be in their shoes. I felt for them.. however that was not the
core experience. I was trying to understand why I had remembered that.
When the it hit me. The Atonement of Jesus Christ can take away ALL our
pains, fears, and sorrows. A very traumatic moment from my past had been
completely forgotten about. None of those circumstances mattered. The
people the situation. I understand that is partially due to time as
well. But I do not feel guilty or sad about it anymore. I truly believe
because of my faith at THAT time and because of my service now... that
memory and those feelings were erased. The Atonement had healed me. I
always find it difficult to understand the Atonement and how it works...
But I understand and feel more and more of my Saviors love Each day. I
do not think we can ever fully comprehend this great gift that has been
given to us freely. The Gift which we have the blessing of celebrating
this month... He is the Gift!
I am striving to teach as Jesus taught by taking more time
preparing and practicing. We practiced our chapel tours and went to
clean and prepare the Chapel the night before the big "Invitation
Sunday!" I find it obviously helps dramatically! ha. I companion and
12-week study, in District Training, in investigators appointments, as
well as the much appreciated Dinner appointments with members! Putting
together and then reviewing and going over just to ensure your Audience
receives personal revelation makes it SO much easier. It really helped
us have a good chapel tour and is something we are applying to more and
more phases of our learning!
I feel my companions love often. But I would say the most,
usually the night before Transfers when one of us is leaving. Bags are
packed just waiting. Remembering and reminiscing the good times we'd
had, the success and miracles we'd seen, and all the love we had felt.
From Members, investigators, missionaries, and each other. I have
always been told growing up, "It's all about the memories." As time
moves on, we can prepare for the future and remember what we learned and
the good times that were had.
Thank you to all of you! I love you! I Hope you are all doing fantastically!
Elder Ford
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